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Why choose us?

We provide hassle-free, focused, reliable, cheap and affordable web hosting and domain services. We simply want to continue to operate a profitable web hosting company in Bangladesh that satisfied our customers .That’s why , we don’t just provide 24×7 support. We really do listen and care. We really mean it

Inmediate attention

At Hosting Dokan you will always have someone ready to answer your request via telephone, chat, online call or email ticket.

DDOS Attack Protection

Our clients can better protect their services like mail, httpd, DNS, applications, video and voice. With our DDOS system.

Hosting For Your business

We will be in charge of maintaining your server online 24 hours, You will get the best service from us.

Data Backup

We offer you a full month data backup. We assure you, There will be no opportunity of data loss.

99.9% Uptime Guarantee

we promise you at least 99.9% uptime as part of our service guarantee

Free Migration

If you want to migrate your website to us, will transfer your website to us from other provider without any cost.

Our valuable clients

High-End Servers​


We’re serious about high security. we protect our infrastructure with the latest hardware and software firewalls. We regularly update and secure the operating systems running on our servers. 


The network infrastructure that powers our web hosting servers delivers 100% uptime for every calendar month.


We use redundant bandwidth providers, routers, and switches to provide full redundancy at all levels within our server.

Unattainable Promotions

A fair prices

If you compare us with our competitor, it’s hard to seek out a substitute. As a Bangladeshi web hosting company, our cost management is effective and less than the similar foreign hosting company.

Without paying more

And we offer you best affordable price model for you.  So You will save more money being our customer.

Do not think twice 

We’ve made our pricing model to satisfy all types of custom user requirements.we truly believe that you simply will love our pricing, package features, and repair orientation.